Use Slintel to connect with top decision-makers at Provoke Insights. In Provoke: How Leaders Shape the Future by Overcoming Fatal Human Flaws, renowned strategy consultants and best-selling authors Geoff Tuff and Steven Goldbach deliver an insightful exploration of how people tend to act tentatively in the face of uncertainty and provide the tools we need to do things. Find useful insights on Provoke Insights’s company details, tech stack, news alerts, competitors and more. We are the nerds behind the advertising, branding, media, and content marketing initiatives. Explore a new and effective method for seizing opportunity in the face of uncertainty. Our innovative approach helps brands navigate through today’s cluttered marketing space.
The tool is being introduced in beta testing and will transition into a permanent tool on the website in the new year. Provoke Insights is a full service market research firm and brand strategy consultancy. They are able to identify important inflection points earlier than others and then use actions to shape trends to their advantage rather wait for the change to arrive.

It allows users to test tables of proportions against each other and download the results. The best leaders have conviction to acteven in the face of uncertaintyin order to provoke the future they desire. Using a pooled sample approach, the tool runs two proportion Z-tests, by taking sample size and percentages into account. The confidence levels provide the probability that the difference presented is at least as large as it would have been if the two population proportions were equal. The statisticians are experts in significant difference testing and wanted to enhance efficiency. The calculator has been developed by Provoke Insights statisticians to improve the process of testing significant differences between subgroups. It is great for internal research teams, students, and vendors who want to test a portion of the data quickly. The goal was to develop a tool that can test multiple subgroups and attributes at once. The tool is free and available on the company’s website here.

Provoke Insights has released the beta version of its Significant Difference Calculator.