
Fallen hero retribution subtle manipulation points
Fallen hero retribution subtle manipulation points

However, Li had no intention of letting his older brother to become a god. Li discovered a way to challenge the station of the goddess and steal her divine powers, and as such, he led the siege of Dirge on Emperor Sun Hai's orders. It was the home of the Spirit Monks, servants and protectors of the Water Dragon, the goddess who oversaw the distribution of water in the mortal realm and guidance of the spirits of the dead to afterlife and rebirth. Li found an answer from the Temple of Dirge in the western mountainous Land of the Howling Spirits. Emperor Sun Hai wouldn't accept that his Empire would end in the face of the natural order, so he demanded Sun Li to find a way to prevent this. Even opening the royal granaries didn't help. During the following ten years, scorching heat and limited rainfall killed crops, costing thousands of lives. Thirty years before the start of the game, the Empire was struck by what was afterwards known as the Long Drought. Li also had a wife who birthed for him a daughter who'd go by the name of Dawn Star. However, he wasn't for long satisfied with having to serve under his brother Hai.

fallen hero retribution subtle manipulation points

With his high intellect and strategic skills, Li earned the title of the Glorious Strategist. Sun Li was born as the second oldest son of the Jade Empire's previous ruler and became the leader of the Imperial Army, while the eldest son Sun Hai became the Emperor.

  • 1.2 The siege of Dirge and failed coup d'étatīiography Early Life and the Long Drought.

  • Fallen hero retribution subtle manipulation points